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Old 10-27-2006, 02:21 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Hogwash. Governments are instituted among men to protect their unalienable Rights, remember?
I do remember, and my statement in no way advocates anything to the contrary. The US government is established by the people to insure that my rights or your rights are not trampled on by someone else. The bounds are set by those called on to represent us, they are put in place by majority vote. The laws they put in place to protect rights will inevitably include some "Thou shalt nots" Because the majority will have determined that they were encroachments on individual right.

Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Furthermore, your statements regarding Mobocracy are ill considered, given that under such a system the 51% or the 75% of the 99% can legally enact genocide ahainst the 49%, or the 25%, or the 1%.
Welcome to the basis of Republics

Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
You then go on to say that, in certain situations we remain Sovreign...after having stated immidiately prior that no such exceptions existed if the mandate decreed it to be so.
I'm having a hard time seeing where you are finding a contradiction. I'm guessing its with this phrase:

There are some types of actions that, as a people, we have allowed full rein. In those situations the government does not have the right to influence us.

Maybe I should have worded it like this:

There are some types of actions that, as a people, we have allowed ourselves full rein. In those situations the government does not have the right to influence us.

The power of the government is determined by the people. We decide on the laws and then pay people to see that they are enforced, those people we collectively call the government.

Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
It comes down to self-ownership. If any person or group of people has the ability to force decisions upon me in regards to my own body or property, that person is my Master and I am a Slave. When someone, or a group of "someones" can say "Do X or I will beat you" or "Do Y or go to jail" in regards to a person's own body or property, they are Slaves, period.

If, however, no such force can be brought to bear, I am a free man.
I agree that when we have no say on when and how forces are brought to bare on us, we can be called slaves. Fortunatly we have a say. We can try to influence people to vote along the lines we believe in. I think it is a bit of a black and white statement to say that limitations equals slavery.
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