Originally Posted by gduventree
You're talking about John McCreedy or Cyvok? Yeah, I've read lot's of stuff about both of them and most of it not very flattering.
Personally, I hope ASCN bloodies BoB's nose a bit. Always rooting for the underdog, especially since BoB has such an arrogant forum presence.
McCreedy, I've never met anyone quite like him in a game. I want all of ASCN to burn just because I hate him
BoB has a bunch of forum whores to be sure, but I have some friends there and they back up their forum whoreness with results. The ASCN leadership is even more arrogant than BoB and you would see a lot more forum whoring from ASCN but they are not ALLOWED to post by alliance order.
Just a FYI you can expect ASCN stations to fall this weekend, I think two of them in paragon soul will be able to be taken. BoB really just wanted Paragon Soul and this might end there, but I'm hoping they stay pissed off enough to take it all or at least take O-o and OOY, which would mean no more EDF stations.