Nintendo will "win" by making the most money, Sony will "win" by having the greatest market share, and Microsoft will "win" by having closed the huge gap between #1 and #2.
Right now globally, the PS2 is at about 104 million units sold, while Xbox1 is at like 25 million, and Gamecube at like 20 million.
By 2010, I'm pretty sure PS3 will be at like 60 million, Xbox 360 will be at 40 million, and Wii will be at 25 million.
Although Wii is cheaper and fresh, the bad graphics (very bad in comparison to the other 2 consoles) and poor physics and AI in the games will make the Wii show it's age much sooner. The Wii will get off to a good start, but end up as the cheap party game machine like the Gamecube did.
Although I originally wanted the Wii, I quickly realized that swinging the controller to swing a sword/bat/racket/fishing rod isn't really that great, and is a gimmick that will get old fast, plus the visuals for me, coming off PC gaming for the last few years, will be like going back in time 4 years.
The Xbox 360 and PS3 are both pretty close in visuals (to the point where it doesn't really matter) and it'll just be the games that decide this one. Although I think the PS3 will have the greater market share in the end (due to Japan mostly), I think they will be much closer than last time.
Right now, I'm considering an Xbox 360, because it offers the next-gen graphics (what computers are at) at a good price (cheaper than PS3 and new gaming rig) and has at least half a dozen games coming out within a year that I am very interested in. The PS3 only has 1 exclusive I want, Final Fantasy XIII, but it's not worth buying a CA$659 system for 1 exclusive. The Xbox 360 will have Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Fable 2 (as you can tell I like RPGs), Halo 3 (you almost have to buy this) and Grand Theft Auto 4 the same day as PS3. Knights of the Old Republic 3 will likely get made for Xbox 360 too, since the last 2 games sold very well on Xbox1.
If it somehow turns out that in 2 years, the PS3 graphics are significantly better than the Xbox 360, and there are a dozen games that interest me and are exclusive to the PS3, then I might get a PS3 then. It'll be cheaper by then too. Free online means nothing to me if it's crappy online, and $60 a year for Xbox Live Gold is like 1 day's work for a year's fun.
Last edited by hobo; 10-26-2006 at 08:26 PM..
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