Originally Posted by NCB
Frankly, I dont buy into conspiracy theories, which probably correlates with my lack of black helicopter sightings around my house. I think the problem your side is having is not Kathy Harris, The Supreme Court, Diebold, or Halliburton, its your message. At some point you have to claim responsibility for your own failures and not blame them on this, that, or the other. Its a fairly simple concept, but its one that your people need to understand.
That said, have there been polling station issues? Of course there have been and its nothing new. There have always been sheenanigans at the polling booth pulled by both parties. But to point to this as the sole reason for your partys defeats is myopic
Dont assume because someone disagrees they are automatically a liberal or "your side" which you seem to be saying alot.
Going off of your black heliocopter statement; I'm curious to what source of information (outside of being present at the place of any occurance) do you use to gather the data that formulates what you interpret as being real and factual?