Originally Posted by Medusa
If Sawyer and Kate are really on another island, then that really wouldn't explain the polar bears...unless the Others are lying...or had them shipped over...which wouldn't make any sense (to me, anyway). And if Desmond was right about John "saving" the kidnappees...how in hell is he going to get to the other island?
Polar bears can swim. I don't have a problem with that part.
The real puzzle is: some time between Seasons 2 and 3, Kate, Jack and Sawyer traveled between two different islands. How did they do that without knowing it? They didn't take the boat--Michael and Walt chugged off in that sucker, leaving the Others and the captured Losties on foot. So how'd they walk to the second island?
The answer is obvious: the Hydra station connects the two islands. Still, you'd think they would have gotten suspicious, walking through a long tunnel.
I don't remember Des saying that Locke was going to save them. I think he said that Locke
said he was going to save them. In his speech.