Originally Posted by NCB
That said, have there been polling station issues? Of course there have been and its nothing new. There have always been sheenanigans at the polling booth pulled by both parties. But to point to this as the sole reason for your partys defeats is myopic
But who's doing that? You're putting words in the mouth of the liberals on this thread and elsewhere. I never said that electoral fraud was the only reason the republicans won in 2000 and 2004. I wish Kerry could have pulled the stick out of his ass for just a minute and started talking and behaving even slightly telegenically, for instance. And the Republicans definitely whomped the Dems at staying on message. But there's no denying that electoral "accidents" were a contributing factor, and, given how close the actual voting was, may well have been the final straw that tipped the result.
I ask again: can you point to an instance of electoral screwup since (and including) the 2000 election that didn't favor the Republican? I can't, but maybe you can.
If not, then black helicopters or no, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to connect the dots.