/me stretches and cracks knuckles
Remember that Doctor Who has been running on and off since the 1960's. Actors age and move on, and David Tennant is the 10th actor to play the Doctor - not counting the 60's Movie doctor. In the mythology of the show, these transitions between actors are called "Regeneration". Basically, every time the Doctor is fatally injured, he takes regenerates a new body and personality, but retains his memories and feelings. Various Doctors have been shot, fallen off of Radio towers and so on. In Chris Eccelston's case, he absorbed the "Time Vortex" to save Rose, and this act did him in. He regenerated at the end of the 2005 Season.
Trivia note: The current canon is that the Doctor can only regenerate 12 times. However, there have been hints that this number is surmountable.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life