Jeebers, how many times has this discussion been raised in my home? I think a majority here have expressed my own views.
From personal experience, I view a belief in a paradise beyond this one ultimately stems from a fear of death. A fear which is meant to be there for our own instictive survial. I watched my mother all to easily give up on life early with a belief that what was beyond was peaceful and more forgiving than this planet and the people on it. Maybe she is somewhere better, I told her to prove it to me and come back and haunt me, but so far nadda.
Now my father is of the same ilk as my mother in the belief thing (I wont say religion, it's not that, it's more of a theosophical eastern influence, a take what you like and leave the rest thing). Just recently he was given some bad news. Ive heard many saying in this thread that they wouldnt challenge someone with a belief but I'll be stuffed if I'll let him go without a reality check, which Ive already started working on.
I choose to make the most of the trees, stars, grass, laughter and love here. My brain can fool me into many unrealistic fantasies and dreams, but what I physically see, feel, hear, and touch is what I choose to believe in. I dont see anything wrong with challenging someone of faith to forget trying to get their head around what they cant see and make the most of whats in their own back yard. I wont be shoving it down peoples throats but if I notice faith harming someones quality of life I'm pointing some stuff out.
Of course some will hang onto their 'Get out of death free card' with iron grip, so if I'm going to shoot staight it would only be done with unheated intelligent discussion from both sides.