While it may have worked on Sawyer, it worked for all of no seconds on me, since pacemakers aren't installed with needles. They're installed with open heart surgery. It's also a relatively major surgery and a fairly specialized device. I bought that the Others have some cool stuff we didn't know about, but for them either to have a pacemaker or to have a doctor capable of installing one was unlikely. Also, Ben has seemed to be a very calculating individual, though not a cruel one. It would take a devastatingly cruel person to install a pacemaker in someone that would shut off if it hit 140. If you've ever worked out, you probably know how fast you get to 140. That's pretty low. When I run I'm usually at 170-180.
It was interesting to watch Sawyer get played, though. We have not seen him so vulnerable before, and the Kate/Sawyer interaction when get got in/out of the cage was just delightful. So even though I didn't buy the trick, I'm happy with out they worked it. And I readily concede that, had I been in his place, I would've bought it, too.
The tumor and the failed attempt to save Cole's life are definitely an interesting twist. I really have a hard time buying the Other's repeated assertions that they're not violent and aren't killers and that the Losties started the war by killing Cole. They kidnapped people in the night. Did things to a pregnant woman against her will. They are armed and threaten violence. They seem to be very good at getting inside heads, and at the same time they fail to recognize that the way they've acted would make all but the stupidest or most committed pacifist respond hostilely, if only out of self defense.
I WANT to believe that the Others know something or some truth or have some great philosophy that will "save" the Losties. I really do. But...they definitely do not have as tight a grip on themselves and the islands as they think they do.
Desmond's clairvoyance continues to be tantalizing. Guess we'll have to see where it goes. Overall, another really solid episode.