Originally Posted by Sultana
I have to imagine the offended parties didn't remotely consider the context. One word was heard, and nothing else mattered after that.
Perhaps he (Mr. Howard) should have told them not to get their knickers in a bunch. Or, would that have been offensive as well? I doubt that that crowd (the Mayor's ignorant and poorly educated but probably perfectly diverse staff) would give a white person the benefit of the doubt about some word that just sounded offensive. When it comes to race, white people are always guilty until proven innocent.
KnifeMissile is correct,a spade is not a shovel. A spade is pointed, a shovel is not. That is because a spade is for digging. A shovel is for, well, shoveling. Anyone who has done much of either knows the difference. I guess education is where you find it. As a girl growing up on a farm, I knew that difference long before I had a high school diploma, bachelor's or master's degree.