Originally Posted by matthew330
Once all the regulations and taxes are in place, who can I sue once I get some "bad shit" and flip out? Who's gonna be responsible for my lung cancer 30 years down the road? If i smoke cigarettes as well will it be a shared responsibility and I get to sue more than one? Will the pot producers be more responsible because it seems as though the trend is "look how safe this is in comparison". Can I use this thought process to advertise my product?Will there be warnings accompanying the sale of it?
What happens to the Pot producers/sellers now? Will they just stop, or go get a business degree? Can I target new high school graduates when promoting my product? How can I differentiate the grade of it. Can government intervene if my "red hairs" aren't as powerful as I suggest? Can I call the less powerfull "light weed"?
What if my neighbors five year old gets a contact high cause my windows are open while smoking it. Is there a law for how long I need to keep my windows shut after smoking? Can I be arrested for unwittingly getting others high?
Dude, I think you're grasping at straws here. - contact high because your windows are open? i don't think anyone would agree thats possible. "bad shit" and flip out? its not LSD.
IF, and thats a big IF, mj was ever made legal - it would never have the same status as alcohol. It would be "decriminalized." With no penalty for posession, but I can't imagine an industry like big tobacco springing up from the decriminalization of pot. There's too much stigma attached and almost a century of anti-pot messages for there to be a complete 180 in regards to how the gov't views it.
I think just about everyone on this board would agree that pot should be legalized for the same reason - its your body and you should be able to do what you want with it. The government shouldn't be able to.