Originally Posted by Sage
Actually, if everyone on earth completely and totally ran out of crude oil tommorow, the entire world would grind to a halt. Everything anywhere that ever does anything depends on oil, either for production, packaging, supply lines, getting the workers to the factory, electricity for the plant, powering the pumps for the water, harvesting food, hell, even printing the money that workers are paid with. It'd be like all the Phillip Dick stories all came true at once.
That being said, I agree that H2's and H3's are giant "I'm an asshole" badges. That is my opnion.
You'd think that enviromentalist would be happy with that.. No oil... no more pollution. Atleast thats the feeling I get from some of the truely crazy whackjobs that think the earth would be better off with only a few select members of the "enviromentally conscious" living on it.
Oh and things like electricity SHOULD already be completely swapped over from fossil fuels. We have nice options like Nuclear power plants, Hydro electric, etc. But guess who doesn't want us to use those? The same people that dont want us using fossil fuels! So until they come up with something better. I say screw em.
As far as how much the government should be involved: If something is in the nation's best interest, like swapping from oil to alternative fuels for cars, then the burden should be on the government to fund and follow through with the research. We have a great economy based off of free markets, where the ONLY reason you'd ever go into business is to make a PROFIT. When you are a big corperation its not your goal to provide jobs to people, or to save humanity. Your only goal is to make money. The less government is involved in the economy, the better the economy can conform to meet the demands of the people. So dont blame oil companies for finding a wonderful/ ingenious way of making money. Infact, when it does come time for the switch from oil to other fuels, Im banking on the big oil corperations to do all sorts of research and be the ones that provide a solution. If they let someone else come up with the solution, they all lose. So its in their best financial interests to eventually be the ones to become "energy providers" instead of oil companies.