Originally Posted by Sage
(paging C'hi!)
As you are saying you're a "chubmonster," then you're going to need to be doing more cardio than weight lifting, as that's going to burn of the fat. I do believe in another post someone (who was well-informed) said that doing cardio before you've eaten anything forces your body to burn fat instead of the calories you've just eaten. About your workout tho, if you get "shaky" overall (lightheaded, dizzy, can't think straight) then that's your insulin levels tanking and you need to squeeze a workout gel or eat some honey or something. However, if it's just your muscles getting "shaky" than that means you're fatiguing them too much by pushing yourself too hard. It's your body telling you to back off a little bit.
Damn you Sage, you beat me to it!! I'm the one who pages C'hi
Yeah, I'm currently looking for a good "pre-work out" diet as well. Is it really true to do cardio before eating? I like to eat something one hour before a workout to fuel my exercise and not catabolize my muscles. Usually some carbs and maybe some protein EX: a banana + a bowl of pasta or a sandwich. I heard that the ideal diet is 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat....or something like that.