Pro-marijuana legalization ballots in Nevada & Colorado
Nevada voters will have to decide on Question 7 in November. It allows the possesion of less than an ounce of dope by those older than 21. It also increases penalties for DUI of marijuana and sales to minors. It will, if passed, license and tax cannabis growers and sellers (in the form of stores). The tax is $45 per ounce.
Colorado voters decide on Amendment 44. It is similar to the initiative passed by Denver voters last year, which made possesion of an ounce or less legal (while sales and growing are still illegal). This ballot does not allow the opening of "shops". It's mainly for police to stop pestering people cheefin' up in their homes.
The groups/people against these initiatives (unsuprisingly including the Bush admin.) generally argue that if these pass, they send the "wrong message" to children, that it's okay to get high. They also argue that Nevada and/or Colorado shouldn't be the "launching pad" for marijuana legalization.
Proponents (suprisingly including most Nevada religious groups) argue that the current cannabis laws and systems simply do not work, and only create dangerous gangs and drug dealers. They also state statistics showing the staggering harmfulness of alcohol (violence, rapes, DUI's) and the relative safety and benefits of smoking dope versus drinking alcohol.
Personally, I am very exited about the possibilities of both of these initiatives. It's time to end this senseless war on marijuana. If voters pass these ballots, it will be the beginning of the end for prohibition.
One can argue all day and night about the dangers of cannabis, but it simply doesn't make sense when deadly drugs like Oxycontin, alcohol, and cocaine are more legal than pot. And the curiousity of teenagers will prevail over the harshest of laws. I think many of us knew that one, right?
TFP, argue for these ballots or against. I would like to hear some other opinions. And of course...VOTE!!