was not a "kill the messenger" was an "expose the OP for the Repub misleading propaganda that it is" thingy.
Now that we have re established the bills authenticity, would anyone care to comment on their content?
As I said in my first response, I agree these bills have little merit.
And I also said that they have virturally no support, and as a result,
received no Congressional hearings and wil
l cease to exist at the end of the current session. So, whats the point of further comment?
Every member of Congress puts up bills that they know have no chance of passage...they are for show for the constituents back home.
Would there be any value in me posting Repub bills that want prayer reinstated in public schools, "thought police" to monitor radio and tv, restriction on freedom of the press if it is critical of the country's actions during war, federal funding for abstinence only education and on and on.