I'd rather it be me and my friends that use the gasoline driving cars that we enjoy. Than it be foriegn countries using the fossil fuels to power industries with almost zilch for emissions controls and a sole purpose of supplying stores like Wal-Mart with cheap crap. If people really and truely cared about the enviroment and blue collar workers, etc. They wouldnt bother with SUVs that pollute less than "economy" cars did back in the 80s. Instead they'd bother with making sure the US (or any country you call home) is only trading with countries that has emission AND worker standards that are atleast on par with ours. Not that the US's are the best, but Im willing to wager that our factories are a whole lot greener than some of the less technologically advanced countries we trade with. Until we do that, passing stricter enviromental policies simply gives more companies incentive to build factories outside of the country.
As far as switching fuels, etc. It will happen when it becomes economically sound to do it. When gas prices jump up and stay there for a year or so, there will be lots of money to be gained by finally switching over. But it will be very expensive to switch from the current infrastructure of pipe lines and depots, etc. Which is why I dont expect a sudden change. I expect something gradual, like hybrids slowly gaining popularity, a handful hydrogen cars being bought by city and state organizations, etc. Something awfully similiar to what is happening right now. But if you're really worried about running out of oil, you're more than welcome to go buy some and stock pile it for future use.