Originally Posted by blade02
As far as making a MPG requirement, etc. It should be left to me to decide how much money Im willing to spend on gasoline for my car. Thats the point behind a free market. Its my hard earned money, and I should be able to use it to fuel a V-8 powered muscle car if I freaking want to. If we manage to run out of gasoline, or if gas prices rise too high, then I'll be willing to spend my money on something that doesnt run off gas. Its not like the earth will implode if we use all of the gas, we'll just have to switch to something different. I've never quite understood all of the panic and silliness.
Maybe you should drive a car that runs on the blood of Iraqi civilians, or the health of our posterity. It'll be up to you, and damn the consequences. After all, why would the car and oil companies want to sell you something that causes wars or destroys the environment? It's not like they value ridiculous profit over reasonable responsibility, safety and security.
You act like "switching to something different" is like switching from regular to nonfat milk. It's really, really, really, really not that simple. It is, in fact, incredibly difficult, espically because of those jackass oil and car companies you seem to enjoy so much. When they finally lay off, it will be too late. The the H2 will be nothing but a really, really, realy, really big paperweight.