Originally Posted by Yakk
I suspect opposing "Stem Cell Research" was a short-term gain, and a medium and long-term mistake on the part of the Republicans in congress. People sick with fatal deseases can quite blatantly say "slowing stem cell research will kill me, and kill others like me". It is a pretty damn powerful message.
And those people are wrong too. Maybe the cure can be found in those stem cells from dead babies, maybe not, but thats an invalid stance to take. Stem cell research is going on in other parts of the globe, guess what, those guys are still crippled. Now mind you the capitalistic medicine system in the US does make our research better than most socialist systems you see in the western world, but there is still nothing to say stemcell research will cure ANY disease. If my kid had a digenerative disease I'd be first in line pushing for stem cell research, but thats just pure selfish motivation. I'd beat you to death with your own arms if it meant saving my child, so we need to step back from the emotionalism.
My personal stance is that if people are flushing their babies we might as well use them as they have already been killed, and even if I were a fundamentalist Christian I would have that stance. Much like using the Nazi hypothermia research, it would be research gained from an evil source but the evil was already done, and I'm all for some good comming out of evil. Its even easier since I don't view the act as evil but simply a new form of genetic selection.