Originally Posted by NCB
The delivery does leave a lot to be desired. And for that, I apologize to the mods and the other members here for that. However, I will not and cannot apologize to host.
I find it gutless and arrogant that a parent needs to question whether or not to be proud of their childs service to their country solely based on their political leanings. Look, I get not being able to support the war. Heck, I can even get that Americans would like to see bad news come out of Iraq for it would lead to our failure and vindication of their own political idealogy. What I cannot get, nor will I ever, is the failure of parents to support their children in something as honorable as military service despite their own beliefs. Its what parents do!!! Hell, host even goes as far as berating his son! Sorry, but thats unforgivable and deserves nothing but contempt.
I'm done with this now and want to reiterate my apologies to the mods and other members for my rant. As people know, I have always been a team player on this board (ie....I've changed avatars before because people were offended by it, I've edited posts that some people may deem hostile, ect....). However, some comments deserve our scorn and host's comments are one of them. As for the inevitable post that will suggest that I have twisted host's words into something that other than what he intended: if anything, host has never, ever lacked the precision in his written communications here.
I find the only thing that is questionable is that Host posted family matters on here.
This is what Host posted :
Originally Posted by Host
With that in mind, I carefully limited my questions to details of his well being and living conditions, I relayed news to him about other family members, reminded him that we were very proud of him and of his service, how much we miss him, and that we were praying for him. ....I haven't felt as sincere as I would like to be when I've praised my stepson for his service.
That is all he said to his stepson. That is support. Parents can't always be sincere when they feel their child is doing something wrong. Host has strong beliefs in the GWOT and thus, he may not be able to show support as sincerely as possible, BUT HE SHOWS IT..... He even stated he shows it.
Where is Host berating his stepson, where is he doing anything but not supporting his stepson?
Jesus Fucking Christ, this man is posting on here asking hardline Bush supporters to explain their stances and beliefs so that he may better understand his stepson, and you fucking attack him for things he never said. You didn't answer his questions, you didn't answer why you believe what you believe..... you simply put words and events that didn't exist and attacked the man.
Ok, I have a son, he goes to a war I don't agree with. He believes in it, I don't, I fear my son will die in vain and for something I am morally against.
I explain my side to my son, but he still believes and goes..... I give him my love, my support and my tears, nut I still cvannot believe in what he does.
He calls, we talk, I offer support and love. But I feel like a bad father because I couldn't put my heart into what I was saying..... (again, not because I do not love my son, or am proud of how he has taken responsibility.... but because morally I am opposed to the war.)
Then I ask supporters to help me understand their side, what is it I am missing, that my son sees? Because I need to.
Instead, you call me names because of things you want to add to my post?
My best to you Host..... Your son is doing something he believes in even though you can't, but maybe that loyalty and responsibility is what you taught him.
He'll be alright, and someday when it's all over the 2 of you will be able to truly talk about these days and understand the stances you took, and maybe you'll find out you both learned from and inspired the other.