I never believed in Santa. It's just impossible! My parents would tell me Santa was coming, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking "in other words, they are going to put the presents there and this is a coverup to make me stay nice." I directly asked my mom in 2nd grade if he was BS or not and she said he wasn't real. It wasn't a blow, because I already knew it was fake. It's just too unrealistic to believe. It goes above and beyond a theology because Santa is visible (apparently) to the public, has reindeer, goes to each house. God(s) don't do that, generally. So you can't just trust that Santa exists on faith - because you have proof that he doesn't exist. I'm not going to be generic and say I was a "deeply cynical youngster" and had a "messed up childhood" like a lot of people say. However, I definitely never believed. What if you don't have a chimney? Then the SERIOUS bullshit starts to flow from your parents.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.