Originally Posted by Lady Sage
The fastest way to turn someone off to something is to cram it down their throats or threaten them with it. Thats just my opinion and why I detest organized religion.
which religion does this? unless you're speaking about a fringe cult or life in saudi arabia... i don't know how an organized religion could cram it down anyone's throat.
do we have the actual statistics are regarding numbers involved in organized religion? but, assuming tecoyah's premise that they're dropping... i do think higher education (or, more specifically, the postmodernism it preaches) depresses participation.
postmodernism, moral-relativism, multiculturalism and the various other "isms" preached (and i use that word deliberately) from college lecterns all place truth within the realm of individual interpretation. once a person has accepted this worldview (truth is relative, all cultures/belief systems are equal, etc.) why would following a religion make any sense at all? a shared religion in which a person relies on clergy, scripture, or divine revelation becomes silly (even offensive!) when person has come to believe that all things in life are a matter of self-discovery.
i think many are accustomed to viewing this debate in a faith-versus-reason view rather than the more appropriate faith-versus-relativism perspective. higher education isn't inherently hostile to religion (and vice-versa). it's the belief in relativism that has taken on its own faux-theology that degrades faith.