This is so perfect. My daughter was talking about some pictures in a magazine just the other day. She said she wanted to look like that. I was trying to explain to her that the person she saw in the picture probably didn't really look like that. I will have to show her this clip. Perfect timing. She's only 6 yrs old but she's already concious of the signals that she's getting from the media and her friends. I am not very hung up on my looks, in fact I rarely use makeup or criticise my body out loud. Most I say is that I need to eat more vegetables or taking better care of my face to prevent the acne I'm prone to. But not really critical of things I cannot change by treating my body right. Thanks for sharing that video. It's a good springboard for me to continue talking to my daughter about this issue.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.