The purpose of sex and attraction is procreation, pleasure is secondary. That being said if homosexuals are not making a choice it means they are geneticly retarded. Homosexual monkeys have been recorded in over populated societys. Look at rome for example.
When it comes to religion the people of sodom were banging on the door with a perverted heart and wanted to 'know' the two angels in the ass. I think in Kings or Corinthians it says something about a man should not lay with another man as they would lay with a woman. These things are starting to be disputed by experts saying that the homosexuality of sodom was not the reason it was destroyed. Experts also said that who ever was ruling when the 'a man shall not lay with a man etc' was said said it for health purposes. So homosexuality is ok in the bible according to some.
Maybe it is good for our population control and maybe to some it is not the reason for gods wrath. To me it still feels wrong. To me a man kissing a man or a woman kissing a woman is like watching any person kiss an animal in a way that makes me feel like I'm watching my parents have sex. Which I'm sure I could get used to it but really I don't want to. It may be your choice it may not but I wish people would just keep it private. I don't believe I have ever met a gay person and not known it within the first forty minutes. Becuase of that I will have to vote for choice.