Originally Posted by Lady Sage
In a nut shell... was cruising the web and found a site where you can type in names and see criminal records in the state of Ohio.
Oh my... he had lied about his age, he had been married, he had a child, he was a deserter in the army and..... if that wasnt bad enough when he found out I knew about all that and that he had stolen my identity to get 8 credit cards in my name...
He tried to kill me when I went to the police.
Thats all I have to say about that.
That is a bad break-up. Mine pales in comparison I think.
I was dating a guy for about 6 months. It was very abusive emotionally. I heard everyday that I was ugly, no one else would ever want me so I should be lucky to have him, and he stalked me because he assumed I was cheating on him. Looking back...if I were cheating on him then that would mean I was worthy of getting someone else, but that's beside the point. My self-confidence dropped to below zero and I started self-mutilating myself. My parents tried to separate us, but it wasn't possible. He got angry at me one day, raced me on a curvy street to show his anger, and then smashed in a telephone pole. He was in a coma with 2 broken legs for about 2 weeks. That was the end of that...it took a coma, but we broke up. Then his parents wanted to sue me. And that is that...I had to find a new job (because we worked togehter) and complete a couple years of therapy to get back to 'normal'.