I pretty much expect the worst from other drivers, so I find I mutter 'dumbass' a lot when I'm driving, rather than get my panties in too much of a bunch.
The person having to park right in front of the store is pretty annoying, especially when I have to stop walking eight feet from the curb, so's they can slide on up to the door. The woman actually made eye contact with me, as if daring me to get in her way....
I do want to add one thing to the list:
People that don't belt their kids in. If you don't want to wear your seatbelt, that's fine by me. But a four year old doesn't understand what it is to become an instant projectile.
Read something a few years back, about some woman driving a Chrysler mini-van getting into a wreck, and either the side or back door popped off. Two of her kids were thrown free, and were killed.
It was a known problem with that particular model, so she sued. Successfully, I believe.
Nevermind that she hadn't had the kids strapped in, and had they been, they would have been fine...
Negligent homicide, anyone?