While I am not an American, I have been watching American politics with inscreasing fascination for years. I watched global outrage for the war in iraq, which many called illegal, and still do. I watched american citizens allow numerous encroachments on their freedoms; and the only true resistance to this gradual erosion i saw was the patriot act, which was pushed through anyways. Now an essential cornerstone of personal liberty has simply been removed- habeus corpus.
Don't you guys care, as citizens of a free and democratic country, that at any time, for any reason, a government offical could simply take you away to prison and leave you there to rot for the rest of your life? That they can also torture you if they feel like it? That they can take you to court, and prosecute you using classified evidence
that you're not allowed to see? At this moment, It is not out of their bounds to sentence you to death for reasons they see fit to proscribe.
I find this extremely disturbing, and it makes me glad that I live in Canada, at least for the moment. I don't understand why there haven't been protests in the streets; or any sign of dissatisfaction at all. Is all that you can do is watch and mourn it's loss?
edit- found a video of Keith Olbermann saying it very eloquently.