Hello all,
I have some questions about work etiquette. This may be long winded!
I have been working in a research lab for the same doctor over the last 3 years. I recently earned a BS, and plan to take time off to continue working before grad school (probably 2 years). I was planning on staying with my current boss during this time; however, I was recently solicited by colleague at a competing research department for my CV, and I figured it couldn't hurt. A couple of months later, a new researcher wanted to meet me after reviewing my CV, and requested an interview. The interview went quite well, and I was offered the job with a nice pay increase. Sounds beautiful so far, right?
Well, there are several layers. First, my current boss has lost several people to this research facility. He tends to underpay, and requires a lot of work from his employees with little show of appreciation. He is also past retirement age, which makes me nervous. I feel loyal to him to a degree, but mostly feel loyal to my coworkers. I love my job, but I am getting more administrative crap lately (because of recent turnover) and have had to cut back on the research side. However, it would not be as hard to leave if it was for another research job - this specific facility is a sore spot for him.
The new researcher is really awesome. He is from one of the top universities in the US, and has interesting studies with are directly related to my interests. I think this job will open doors for me and expand my network for grad school. Also, his grants are approved for several years.
So naturally I accepted the new job. It is an amazing oppotunity. I just can't help but feel like I am backstabbing. Even worse, the new job does not start for several months, but I am afraid to give my notice now because my current boss might get mad and let me go/fire me (I have bills to pay!). Also, my other supervisor heard about the new researcher, and is now pushing to get everyone raises so we are not easily swayed to work for him (she does not know I interviewed with him). I feel so guilty when she talks about him, because I already know I was swayed to work with him.
The main question here is, how do I leave my current job in a few months without burning bridges? Should I let them know now (and risk losing my job and not being able to pay bills) or wait until maybe 1-2 months before I start? I am also afraid my boss will find out soon because he knows so many people at the other facility. I am excited about the new job, but can not help but feel like complete crap about leaving my current job.
What do you guys think? I need some impartial opinions....