I have done some research on this subject. In the Bible the new testament where Jesus refers to hell he is refering to the area outside of the city gates where they burned trash. If you were a homeless person and you died, they would just through your body into the fire. It was a disgrace, that your life that your meant nothing. Nobody cared enough to properly burry you. So in his parables he would refer to that place to give them a visual of what it is like if you do not accept him. That said, I do believe a Hell exists, but not for humans. Hell was created for Satan and his followers (demons) I cannot fathom a loving God creating Man knowing that a vast majority of them would not believe and therefore burn in hell forever. to give you an example I have a daughter (mankind), if she grows up and moves in with a guy(satan). He tells her all sorts of things like she is no longer my daughter and that I don't exist and that he loves her more then I do. And she grows to hate me and tells me that I am no longer her father and rebels against me. She is still my daughter. Nothing can change that. I would not want to punish her because of it, on the contrary I would want to punish the guy who told her these things. Now if I decide that I don't believe in God does that make me not his son? Am I that important that I could change that? No. So if you die a non-believer I believe you simply cease to exist. Your soul/spirit dies or at least is separated from God. I just can't see tourchoring your children because they were misled by Satan. Well thats my view anyway
It's hard to remember we're alive for the first time
It's hard to remember we're alive for the last time
It's hard to remember to live before you die
It's hard to remember that our lives are such a short time
It's hard to remember when it takes such a long time