Good posts guys. And welcome to this thread Vanblah. And you expressed a good point in the actions as well as the reactions of people in general.
And this is where I thought of the phrase, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." But then again, sometimes the less you say could also be harmful or up to further scrutiny.
I find my ownself sitting back most of the time watching both the actions and reactions of others, while I keep silent. I'm not sure if I use it as a self definsive shield or if I am genuinely wanting to see both the reaction/action of both parties or in some cases a group of many different personalities working against each other in certain situations.
I've also felt the brunt of anger (even to the point of rage) directed at me. Not for anything I did personally, but because they are upset about a certain issue, and even to the point of almost coming across the counter at me! I have no idea why or how I kept my cool (I guess because I had high school students behind me who were frightened of the man before he came at me). But, I also find that talking softly and listening, most times they will calm down a little. However, this time it wasn't working and it was my first time that I found myself in harms way. And if it wasn't for the principal and the resource officer, the students truly believe this man would have physically hurt me. Since the moment was taken out of my hands, I won't know for sure.
It's easy to take offence, it's much harder to control it. So, I've now come to the conclusion that I agree with Toaster, we all have the ability to take control over our emotions. Whether they be words that are offensive or are spoken in cruelty.
Originally Posted by Toaster126
Hehe, I also believe chivalry is a direct result of sex-discrimination of the time, and try to treat everyone the same regardless of if they have a vagina. 
HA!! And THAT, dear sir, might result in another long discussion! Would you take the honors or would you like me to? **raises one eyebrow and tries hard not to grin**