Originally Posted by NCB
No, its not unfair. Only Muslims can alter Muslim behavior and culture. Blaming the US for the Muslims community's own failures may bode well in liberal circles, but it doesnt exactly square with reality and represents either cowardice or refusal to condemn and reform their own people and religion
Obviously, there are millions of Muslims who denounce terror, as any simple search of the net or news sites will show. People, however, speak of Islam as if it were one big religion, with some Pope sitting at the head of it telling people what to do. There is no centralization of Islam, and there are many sects. It is very obvious that in some parts of the Muslim world - Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan - a breeding ground exists for terrorism, due in part to the shithole conditions that these people live in brought about by constant warfare, poverty and oppression, and in part due to groups using Islam to motivate others into commiting terror attacks. Whereas other areas are much more stable, making genuine movement towards more secular, democratic, representative and liberal forms of government and society.
As for the line about not blaiming the US for Islamic terrorism, Iraq used to be a secular country without religious terrorism. Now it is a nation utterly engulfed by terrorism based upon religion, and in which the various sects prey upon one another.
Everyone involved in this - from Muslims around the world to the US and it allies - have had a hand in the rise of terrorism, and it is either incredibly partisan or incredibly uneducated to suggest otherwise.
I take exception to some of hiredgun's statements as well. I don't live in Pakistan, I'm not a Muslim, but I have absolutely heard Muslims speak of hating the US and the west (even while living here) and at least quietly applauding certain terrorist actions. I find it ... implausible to think he has never heard a Muslim express such sentiments in his presence, when surely, he knows more Muslims than I do.