Originally Posted by fastom
Dil.... they aren't simply trying to blow stuff up... that's why they call it "Controlled" Demolition.
If you "blew up" the right support you can make the walls fall inward. They don't just lay a wheelbarrow load of dynamite on the floor. It's like sawing a tree where making the right cut in the right spot you can direct which way it falls. Thermite makes sense for that.
I don't think much testing was done for explosive residue but didn't eyewitnesses smell that in NYC as they did at the Pentagon?
Do you even know what you're talking about? Dilbert has stated time and again that the walls of the WTC were being pulled inward - not that they fell inward, but that there was a slow and constant pulling of the walls over several minutes. Explosive detonations are almost instantaneous and one explosion doesn't last for minutes on end. dude, get a clue.