Originally Posted by hiredgun
Oh my god. Why are we talking about Studds from 23 years ago?
Because the only way Republicans can defend themselves on this one is to dredge up ancient history. Rather than standing up and admitting a huge mistake, which would solve the whole thing.
Say what you want about Clinton: when the man came clean, he came clean. He did it out loud on national television. Compare this behavior with that of Dennis "If it would help my party, I would resign, but it won't, so I won't" Hastert. (EDIT: Or, for that matter, Mark "Oops! I have a drinking problem!" Foley!) The WHOLE GAME these last few weeks has been to pass the buck. Nobody in the GOP is willing to behave responsibly. That's why they're about to lose the election.
I now remember why I had NCB on my blacklist. A few weeks ago I saw him there (the lone member of it, too), and thought "gee, I wonder why I did that", and took him off. Heh. Welcome back to the bottomless pit, buddy.