Originally Posted by analog
The only difference I see in this story is more the fact that he's exposing a hypocrite, by showing that he secretly engages in the very behaviors he publicly puts down and votes against. In this respect, I see it as the same thing as exposing a senator who smokes pot all the time but actively participates in anti-drug efforts, or a person who is exposed as an avid gun enthusiast who spends his time in anti-gun efforts in public display.
I actually don't agree with you on this. There's not necessarily a contradiction in a gay person supporting the Republican party (or being a member). Just because you think homosexual behavior is OK doesn't mean you want to legalize gay marriage. I've known several middle aged lesbians who were staunch Republicans. It wasn't even that other issues like national security trumped gay rights - they just didn't support gay marriage or gays in the military.