Toaster, I will apologize if it appeared I was actually personally attacking you. What I said was merely an observation formed of my own opinion of what you had posted. I think I overreacted, and said it in an unflattering way. I guess it just looked to me that you feel that people should be MORE accountable for how they react to what people say, than to the accountability of those who said it about them. I say this as my own opinion, for I always try to mention it in my posts as just that; an opinion, but I still think that people should be more self-accountable for their comments about others, period. Just because others in this thread think the ladies in this thread should just shrug off negative comments, and basically "rise above the comments" does NOT in any way of form negate the fact that any form of social etiquet, one should be respectfull enough to THINK before they make a verbal observation about someone.
I don't know, maybe I just still believe in Chivalry!!!