I was back in the France again last week, this time I managed to smuggle my wife along for the trip...
Just after taking this picture I was hospitalized by a roundhouse kick to the head.
The next couple of shots are of some guys fishing on the quay...
There is only one reason I can think of to stay inside when it's this beautiful outside... hence the delay in getting outside.
Life doesn't get too much better than this...
This is the Chateau where we stayed for the week... I am sure it was once a lovely massive house, now it is a number of smaller, and charming apartments...
The town square in Cannes... can you spot the MacDonald's?
A water fountain with Potable Water in Saint Paul de Vence
This statue is just outside the main gate of the walled city of Saint Paul de Vence. If you look closely you will see a cat sleeping between the statue's front paws. He was completely out of it. We came back about three hours later and he was still there... only he was cleaning himself.
This cat completely ignored me as I took his picture... He must be completely immured to tourists.
I stayed in the Hotel des Ramparts a few years ago... it was cheap and very cool. I recommend it if you are looking for something rustic.
A keystone. A very rough translation: "This building was constructed by R. Nardusano - 1612"
Outside the Cathedral in Saint Paul de Vence
The streets of Saint Paul are paved with small stones like this... it reminded me of the paths in the Bonsai Garden in Singapore (see above)
The town well in Saint Paul de Vence
My wife strolling the streets of Saint Paul de Vence
This was on the beach in Nice as I killed time before I left. I just liked the way this woman was by herself, surrounded by rusty things...
Not far from the lady above was a couple of guys playing boule...