Originally Posted by genuinegirly
It does all come down from the managment. The lax employee will not learn to do the job efficiently if no one shows them how to do it. They won't bother learning it until someone shows them that their job is on the line. Shouldn't be any place for someone who doesn't give their share.
Incompetancy and apathy indicate that they are in the wrong profession. Either inspire them to pursue their dreams on their own, or politely kick them out the door.
While I agree with the part about being in the wrong profession (It's no secret I hate retail), personal satisfaction in getting something done well is just nonexistent any more.
When I was in school two years ago, I signed onto work study; I was placed in Financial Aid as their gofer/file clerk. My first day there, I was shown the file room. It was a disaster. No one had put a single folder away for weeks; students who'd graduated months before were still in the active areas. I was to work 4 hours a day and they'd assumed my first week would be just cleaning the crap up. After 3 hours, I asked what else should I do....
My dad, upon hearing us whine about a task, would constantly tell us, 'instead of wasting time whining about it, do it quick, do it right. Done and you're outta there.' He's right. Not only is the unbearable over with quicker, but there's satisfaction in knowing you don't have to do THAT again because you didn't do it right the first time.
The boss I mentioned earlier accused me of slacking off when I went to another department to help out; he couldn't believe I'd finished my own work, but I had and every time I finish, he acts like I'm lying until he sees for himself. While I say they get what they pay for (and they pay shit), I know what I'm supposed to do and do it fast because I can't stand doing it.
The thinking some people seem to have about unpleasant tasks is, to me, backwards. Avoidance and nonchalance only stretches out the mundane and unpleasant. And blatant sabotage, as in the case of kicking packages around, is only going to get you fired-not something that looks good on the next job ap.
If you don't like what you're doing, you can keep trying to find something you'd like better. But when stuck, at least do the best you can so you can move forward. Somehow that line of reasoning is lost on too many.