Originally Posted by basmoq
She wasn't driving, they were hit and runs, 4 of the nine were moving accidents, 5 parked,
Do you even bother to read what you write? Otherwise, why are you contradicting yourself in the same sentence?
only two hit's were while she was driving, the other two while her husband was driving.
Then those two go on the husband's insurance record, not hers. Again, your story is full of shit.
I'm not posting a sob story,
Yes, actually you are.
I'm posting for legal advice,
No, you're posting in the hopes that Glenda the Good Witch of the North will fly down and wave her wand and make this all go away. Unfortunately for you (and your friend) this is reality.
if you don't have it, then clam up,
Listen Sparky, ordering members to shut up is frowned upon around here. Especially when done so in such a series of juvenile posts.
you can have an opinion, but you don't know all the facts, so don't even think you know all that's going on and pass judgement like a little kid.
Well then perhaps you should sit down and learn to write a complete story, starting at the beginning, filling in the middle, and finishing with the end. Otherwise, we only have what you write to go on and we can't really help you much anyway can we?
She makes $35K a year, sorry I forgot the K, but it seems you can't think for yourself because only an idiot would think that $35 an hour is a small sum,
Good move! Call me an idiot! That won't get the attention of a mod

I hate to tell you but $35k a year is quite a sum of money for many people as well. I sure wish you made that much straight out of school in journalism.
think before you post, or pass judgement for that matter.
This uttered in the same paragraph where you admit you fucked up her salary.
Again, keep on topic, I've stated several times she is not looking for sympathy, just ideas.
There are no ideas. She's screwed. She dug herself a nice, deep hole and there's no magic solution for getting out of it. Forget it. She's going to get this ticket on her record. The insurance company is going to find out about it. What they do beyond that is completely up to them, not up to a bunch of people on an internet message forum.
As I have stated REPEATEDLY, she has had an EXTRORDINARY case of bad luck between her and her husband, it has never in any way been her fault that the people around her don't know how to drive, she has never been in an at fault accident.
and as we have stated repeatedly, this part of your story smells fishy.
but I can't possibly imagine that none of you have never passed a truck going less than 15 over to get around them, add a fast car, being pissed off, and lack of attention and your screwed.
If she's in the dire financial straits you claim she is, what is she doing driving a "fast car?" Why isn't she driving a cheap econobox? Again, your story is full of holes.
I started it to find a way to fix the insurance issue,
Read very carefully:
there is no way to fix the insurance issue. She's screwed. Live with it.