The ETC is a great cloak. Dodge is the best tanking stat due to the fact that it completely mitigates the entire attack if dodged. It's not a super overpowered must-have cloak, but it is good, regardless of spec.
Warriors want damage mitigation regardless of their spec. Prot warriors want damage mitigation, non-prot warriors want damage mitigation. 1-Handed spec does not help with anything but offtanking, and while offtanking, damage mitigation doesn't matter while you're actually attacking, so it's a tanking paradox.
When main tanking, you'll have enough rage to do whatever you want in any situation with any ability unless it's a heavy resist fight and your resists are too high (IE Ragnaros with 315 FR and 8k HP). Never, ever think that any type of warrior doesn't need mitigation for rage generation because even the most prot-deep warriors with the most mitigated damage still have plenty of rage. Not going for tanking/mitigation gear in the name of more rage simply doesn't work, no matter your spec.
I've tanked every boss in MC, every boss in ZG, AQ 20, BWL, up to C'Thun in AQ 40 and have been MS spec and Prot spec depending on the guild's need. I can say with 100% confidence that you'll never have a lack of rage unless you're OTing, and again, OTing doesn't actually involve you being hit until the OT's time comes, so the mitigation doesn't even impact the fight. Get that dodge up!!!!!!!
*EDIT* BTW I've tanked all of those bosses without a single point in defiance. Knowing your class > spec no matter what anyone says. Hal, do you have a macro that combines Heroic Strike and Sunder Armor? I know it's a dumb question, but many warriors brush the macro off like it's not needed even though it's the best tanking "ability" in the game.
Also, anyone have any thoughts on the new BC gear? The BC gear is pretty absurd. There's 1-handed craftable mace in BC (level 65 I believe) that's better than the Kel'Thuzad 1-hander. That's right, you can CHINA BUY a 1-hander crafted BoE in BC that is better than the Kel'Thuzad sword. Level 66 greens are better than ZG blues/entry MC epics. You can get grand marshal quality weapons through a level 65 quest reward. A breastplate drops off of a boss in Hellfire Citadel that, with sockets, is BETTER than the warrior breastplate off of C'thun. Hellfire Citadel can be 4-manned.
Why are we raiding? I feel like stopping raiding until BC comes out, especially anything but Naxx because it's just useless. Level 65 blues are better than BWL gear and can be obtained in 5-man instances. Why do a 40-man raid every week for gear that can be replaced in a 5-man come BC? I have full tier 2 and spent almost a year helping my guild put every instance up until AQ 40 on farm and now I'm finding out that my gear is gonna be obtainable in a 4-mannable level 64 dungeon. Is anyone else pissed about this? People are saying "stop whining, you raided for the experience, not the loot." Bullshit. I raided to help my guild and see us progress, but the other half of it was for the fucking badass loot that raiders got. My warrior has over 50 epics and now they're gonna be nexus crystals at 65. Why is Blizzard making BC have such hugely overpowered gear that is *easily* obtainable/buyable?