Let's be honest here about the electability of a President. (Sarcasm for those that don't recognize it).
Ever since Kennedy v. Nixon, and the first televised debates, the American voting public has placed more value in the candidate's appearance and sound bites, than any measure of concrete examples of the candidate's beliefs and actions. Nixon was creamed for the 5-o'clock shadow and the defensive anger expressed in his face and the sharp tones of his voice.
And just look at what we have been served up as Presidential material ever since Kennedy:
- Johnson (a replacement president to "Camelot"
- Nixon (a return and finally wins)
- Ford (the pardon president)
- Carter (the public needed an "honest" man)
- Reagan (after multiple tries)
- Bush the Elder (pardoned the Iran/Contra Crowd; tax increase to pay for Desert Storm)
- Clinton (road Perot's emphasis on the economy)
- Bush the Younger - Beyond words.
sadly, the American public is going to continue to be swayed by the best ad campaign, whether positive or negative.