Fox, in general, has displayed poor judgement in its choices for on-air talent during the playoffs. Pinella's color analysis just plain blows. The lead announcers don't even TRY to pronounce the players names correctly. More time is spent on Pinella's job prospects than the action on the field. After taking second on Polanco's single in the ninth, Craig Monroe was renamed "Granderson." In the Mets/Cards series, they can't even keep track of which team is hitting.
The only positive aspect I've seen is the strike zone box on replays. If MLB pays attention to how poorly the umpires see the strike zone (especially in the NL), maybe they'll take some action to improve things. I suspect that they'll just tell Fox to stop using those replays.
I suggest that Fox start making use of local talent on their baseball broadcasts. They would get a local flavor and true professionalism.
re: Steve Lyons.... I got the impression that he was going for snappy one-liners just to get some face time. Pinella was the 800 lb gorilla in the booth and Lyons was insignificant, except for his comments on pitchers and their grips. His sense of humor lacks a social filter at times. Too bad. He has more relevent information and a better delivery than Pinella. Oh, well, that crew is done for the year, anyway!
GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!