Originally Posted by hiredgun
Based on talking to military personnel, I was under the impression that physical readiness wasn't the primary concern with putting women in more direct combat roles. I thought that there were two major problems: one being the effect on morale and support for a war when large numbers of women are coming home in bodybags; the second being the impact on a unit's internal dynamics when you deploy women alongside them.
Exactly right.
Originally Posted by hiredgun
As for physical standards, I trust the military not to put anyone in harm's way who isn't very fit and well trained. Whether those high standards should be exactly the same for both sexes is a decision I leave in their capable hands.
Unfortunately, politics can play a huge role in this arena. Pilots in particular have been inappropriately advanced in the name of political correctness, and their mistakes have been covered up.
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I also attended Basic Underwater Demolition and that would have been very strange to have had females in the class. I see allot of difficulty with something like that happening.
You aren't going to drop that without further details, are you? And, by chance, have you read "Combat Corpsman?"