well, ustwo, were you to actually think about it for a minute.....i'll wait here.....there is a correlation between the concentration of ownership in philadelphia radio and the inability of air america to get any access at all.
if your one-dimensional non-model of market relations obtained--you know, if supply really did follow demand--you would think air america would be all over philadelphia, which voted something like 80% for kerry last election and is one of the strongest democrat cities on the east coast. the reason there may be a linkage is the extensive support clear channel provides to republican politicians, including extensive financial support for the bush people. to wit:
but i do not expect you to even wonder about such things, insofar your political position benefits from such arrangements--and were you bothered by media monotony and if you did think about it, you might be driven to say something dimly critical of the capitalist order. which seems like something i should not hold my breath waiting for.