Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Hm. Well, I have a problem with such irrelevant, revenge-motivated outings: they're petty and they don't actually accomplish anything positive.
I tend to think they do accomplish something. They show us who the hypocrites are.
Look, it's been argued (and I do agree with the premise) that we elect officials and they are to vote what they believe the majority in their district feels.
However, if I get elected portraying beliefs I do not have, and I do not believe in what I am voting for, then I shouldn't be there. My views must match closely to those who elect me. Personally, I couldn't vote for something I feel is wrong. I would just withhold my vote if I felt I could not voute my conscience. If my constituency took offense, I would explain myself and trust they respected my views.... if not they vote me out of office.
Part of electing a congressman is that you trust given his life's history and his values that he will vote for what is best, not necessarily what is most popular. You choose the person to best represent what you feel you need.
Partisanship has hurt this alot. You vote for a party person now thinking that he represents the values of that party..... politicians know this and scumbags can take advantage of it.