But if one of the birds feet goes through the six chimneys and the other disintergrates in the explosion....
Since Dil is adding up all that fits how about the very strange Shanksville crash? A tiny crater that was ringed in green grass even though a few hundred feet away the forest was burned. They found an engine in the forest yet everything else fit into that neat little hole. So how did that engine get there? Perhaps a trampoline was setup where the plane crashed and the engine bounced off it? What about the fire or lack of?
The picture in the paper today showed a raging fire in two windows of the building, that's 1800 degrees ain't it? Does it matter if the plane was 747 or a Pitts biplane if the fire makes steel expand six inches? The bathtub plumbing could push the walls out.
Why does this sound ridiculous when your "facts" don't?