My subscription to CSM started a few days ago, and I really enjoy the paper. It's very concise (20 pages), well written, and also broad in its coverage. I especially enjoy the book/media reviews, and the lack of excessive advertising is very refreshing.
I'm also a subscriber of the Wall Street Journal, and am actually considering un-subscribing due to it being such a commitment to read in its entirety.
Lastly, the delivery time of CSM is amazing. I receive issues on the day they go to print, which amazes me, considering they are sent via US Postal Service. I thought there would be a two, even three, day delay between the date of the paper and the day I receive it, but I receive Monday's paper on Monday, Tuesday's on Tuesday, etc. Very impressive; almost feels like it's too good to be true.
Overall, I'd say this is the best daily newspaper I've encountered. It's just 20 pages, but is packed with content; which are both big plusses to me. Furthermore, the topics and articles are genuinely interesting to me, and I look forward to each issue. With the WSJ it felt I was plodding along for two hours, but not necessarily interested in half of the things I was reading about. I'm certainly glad I took advantage of this subscription offer, and will almost certainly be sticking with this paper over others I've subscribed to in the past.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.