That's an awesome story. I like hearing stuff like that.
Originally Posted by Toaster126
Cute story. I think the issue is just an individual thing. Sometimes people are good about that sort of thing, sometimes they aren't. Not to mention they can have good and bad days just like everyone else.
That's very true. I've met several players from the Bears before, and some are better about it than others. There are two in particular that stand out, one current and one former (but was on the team at the time). Alex Brown and Jerry Azumah. Alex Brown was at a place to have photos taken with fans, once it was done, his wife was there with their baby and it was pretty obvious she wanted to leave. He stood there and signed anything and everything anyone put in front of him. I'd swear, after that he was hunting people down so he could sign more stuff. It doesn't surprise me though since I once saw him on Jim Rome is Burning and he talked about meeting LT back when he was a teen, and LT bitched him out for asking for an autograph, he said he would never do the same. Jerry Azumah was equally cool. He was at the same place, but the next day and was looking around some of the shops. There were a bunch of security guys around him and they were blocking the entrance to the place. They asked him to go out the back way to avoid the crowd and his response was, "we're going out the front and we're waiting until they're done with me." Two very cool guys who understand that it's the fans that make them such icons.