Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
If woman met all the regulations that men have to go through, then they should be allowed to serve. On that note I have my reservations. As a product of nature women are naturally slower, smaller, and weaker then their male counterparts. Granted guns do level the playing field, there are still instances were natural boundaries would play a role. If my ass got shot and I needed to get dragged or what not out of a spot, I know the average woman would have a hardtime dealing with my Average male frame. Again make combat training conditions uniform, do not ease them in any way shape or form, let women have at it, if they want to have the right to die in combat, let them.
Women dont have the same physical readiness testing as males in the military. Don't get me wrong presently women in Iraq are taking alot of the same fire as males are.
I just have a hard time seeing a situation like Starship Troopers minus the aliens every happening successfully. They way things unfold one never knows.