Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
It is held as an intrinsic (that's the word right?) right for us to bear arms, by comparison, a person would be sovereign in that sense.
The police enforce the laws of a soverign state, and anyone living in that state are subject to those laws. The police are charged with enforcing those laws. The same is not true of the US vs. NK. North Korea did break some rules, but the US is not acting in any official or legal role of world police, so we are not justified in attacking whoever we want. Why do you think so many people were pissed aobut the US attacking Iraq after it came out that there were no al Quaeda links or WMDs? Saddam was still a murderous bastard, but he was no threat to the US, and we had no right in removing him from power. We attacked a soverign state without provocation, like me hitting my neighbor with a baseball bat because I thought he was out to get me (without proof).