Originally Posted by willravel
Nope. I don't like the idea of putting mercury or aluminum or formaldehyde or ethylene glycol directly into my blood seems kinda silly. Dunno why, I guess poison just rubs me wrong.
Thimerosal, which is a form of mercury, is present in flu vaccines as a preservative in multi-dose vials. The amount used has never been shown to have adverse effects in adults. Some doctors recommend mercury-free versions of the vaccine for very young children, and most all for infants. Aventis-Pasteur makes the only preservative-free (thimerosal-free) version approved in the U.S. for children 6 thru 23 months. However, a single-dose injection made by Chiron Corp. and the FluMist nasal spray vaccine made by a joint effort of Wyeth and MedImmune do not contain any mercury and are available to adults. So, you can get the vaccine and not have that poison you fear so much.
But, you know, you guys can ignore the U.S. CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), Britain's NHS, the World Health Organization (WHO), and many other medical authorities around the world and rely on that OJ instead.