i am really not interested in the inter-party whose fault is this game.
what is sure however is at least there was an agreement under the previous administration--and under this one, you get an all too typical bushworld period of tedious saber rattling and hysteria amongst the populace. as for which approach works better--well the implementation of the agreed upon agreement is in the realm of speculation, so you dont know--but you DO know that there was no nk nuclear device under the previous administration, and if you add things up, maybe counting on your fingers, at least some results are possible.
despite the bouffant, the dog analogies are not good with reference to the dear leader.
the dear leader is in quite a fix.
the dear leader wants nk to be understood as amongst the Huge Nuclear Penis Club because it is a symbol of being a Major Player in the world.
it seems that the dear leader rather likes the idea of being a Major Player in the world.
the bush people, who apparently are beset with size issues (this imagery is growing tiresome, but i find myself typing it anyway), have set up this idiotic situation from the moment they decided to declare the dear leader and nk to be part of their hallucinatory "axis of evil" and embarked thereafter on a relationship predicated on making the dear leader crawl and threatening some kind of threatening threat of a threatened response if he didnt.
now the dear leader now has some tiny, strange nuclear device of unclear capacity and of unclear functionality and a delivery system that threatens areas a few miles off the coast of the dear leader's land and not much else---because the tests resulted in the delivery missle crashing into the sea of japan, you see.
but they operate as bargaining chips and those chips are being played now and the game he is playing is pretty obvious if you think about it, if you read about it, but the outcomes are less so. but most analyses that i have read go back again and again to the point i too have been going back to again and again here, which is that the dear leader would settle for bilateral negociations with the united states, which would be simple enough to undertake were the bush people not such nimrods.
so now there is this "crisis" and the right is quite sure that nuking nk is the only answer, or bombing the shit out of nk is the only answer and this only because-ONLY because--the discourse of the bush administration makes no other option seem feasible.
to go back to the opening paragraph: which is better, the agreed upon agreement or the current threatening threats of future threats.
i dunno about you, but i prefer the agreed upon agreement.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite